10 Most Important Things to Know to Be the Best Event Planner

No one is perfect: Literally no one is perfect, however, many event planners tend to be perfectionists. While it is okay to be a perfectionist, it is okay to accept that sometimes not everything will go as planned or will go well but it’s okay. It happens to everyone.

Learn from your mistakes: As an event planner, it is inevitable to make mistakes. However, this is a good thing. Every mistake made is a lesson learned on how to avoid that same mistake. Don’t be too upset when you make a mistake. The best you can do is take it and move on.

Success will come with experience: The more events you plan, the more experience you will obtain. The more experience you have, the more you will be able to gather what you’ve learned from past event and be able to apply it to future events to make them successful. It will take time and work, but everything does.

Learn to network: If you are able to build a network, it will be easier to get along with more people and it will be easier to find clients and events to plan. Also, this skill is good to learn for general every day life as well. What if you end up changing careers? At least you have a network built already.

Don’t expect to get along with everyone: You meet a lot of people as an event planner, but in the end your job is to do what you’re hired to do. Most likely you will find someone you don’t get along with, but if you need help, you can refer to my blog post about dealing with people here.

Learn how to adapt to situations without panicking: As an event planner it is important to stay composed in times of emergency. There will be times where an event doesn’t seem like it will go as planned, however don’t panic. It will be easier to find a solution if you stay calm in the situation and go over your options.

Don’t be afraid to try new things: Although it is important to learn from your mistakes, it is also important to be able to branch out and go out of your comfort zone if it means an event will be successful. Try new vendors or venues or try anything new. The result may surprise you.

Prepare for the worst/have backups: It is super important to have a backup plan for events. Not everything may be able to have backups, but just be sure to have the right chords if needed, and extra of anything that may possibly run out.

Be confident in yourself: You can’t run an event if you don’t think you can. However, if you have confidence and optimism, you are much more likely to be able to pull of whatever you’ve been trying to plan.

Don’t stress too much: This goes for everyone. Stress is unhealthy and can hinder your performance. Take breaks. Ask for help. Communicate what’s wrong. Just try to be as stress free as possible while still getting the job done.