The Top 10 Personality Traits of a Successful Event Planner

There are several reasons why certain event planners are successful, however having these personality traits could help a lot.

Reliable: Successful event planners need to be reliable. Clients are highly unlikely to hire an event planner that is known to be unreliable. This means you need to keep to your word to clients when you claim you are able to do something.

Responsible: Being responsible is a given. Event planners cannot be giving empty promises to clients. You are in charge of an event that is important to them so you can’t be the one who messes it up, especially since you are getting paid to do so.

Cooperative: In event planning, you’re always going to meet people you don’t agree with. Whether this be the client, the caterer, or the venue, an event planner should be able to cooperate with the people they’re working with. This makes the event planning process easier and it will be easier to find solutions to conflicts.

Likable: Many event planners have likable personalities. This is a huge factor to being a successful event planner. The more likable you are, the more likely clients will refer you to their friends and more potential clients. It’s important to be able to get along with people in this industry because communication is everything.

Sociable: It is also important for an event planner to be comfortable talking to people. I’m not saying that event planners necessarily need to be introverts, but it helps when event planners know how to talk to people comfortably because they interact with many types of people and personalities.

Honest: An event planner can’t be a liar. Although it may seem enticing to give false hope, it doesn’t help the client in the long run. If a venue can only hold 800 people, don’t tell the client that it can hold 1000 because it’s the only one in the budget. Event planners need to be able to be open and honest with their clients so they know what’s going on.

Persuasive: Event planners also tend to face issues where there’s disagreements with the client. However, a successful event planner will be able to persuade the client to change their idea if it is better for the event. Although the event planner helps the client, sometimes you know better than the client simply because you have more experience.

Calm: Under stressful situations an event planner should stay calm and collected. If the event planner panics, then the client will end up panicking as well. Successful event planners tend to stay calm under a stressful situation and that may help find a solution rather than panicking.

Open minded: Open mindedness is simply a personality trait every one should have. However, in the case of being an event planner, it is especially important. In addition to being persuasive, an event planner needs to be open-minded as well because sometimes, the client is right.

Resourceful: Event planners should be as efficient as possible. Being efficient means being resourceful. If a problem arises, an event planner should be able to use their resources to find a solution.