Promoting An Event

Sometimes, you may experience an event with a lower turn out as expected. This may happen when you don’t promote your event as much as you should have. This has happened with myself as well. Whether it be the timing, the lack of promotion, or the uninteresting promotions, events can end up having a lower turnout than hoped for. However, in order to prevent this from happening, here are a few guidelines to ensure that your event attendance increases! First of all, try to start advertising for your event early! If an event ends up being advertised too close to the actual date of the event, it is possible that potential attendees already have plans for that day. The bigger the event, the earlier it should be advertised. If 100+ people are expected to attend, I suggest promoting the event at least a whole month in advance, if not more. Another tip is to advertise all over social media! If you are only advertising through print ads or though only one social media channel, you are not reaching the audience you have the potential to reach. In today’s society, people are constantly on social media. If the event is advertised on social media, it is likely that it will reach a wider audience than just flyers hung on bulletin boards. Thirdly, make your flyers interesting and eye catching! Add visuals that represent what the event is all about so people know what the advertisement is promoting. An interesting looking ad is more likely to catch the eye of the casual social media scroller. If the flyer catches the eye of one person, that person could promote the event to their peers and so on. Boring text advertisements will ultimately go unnoticed by the viewer. Another tip to advertise is to make event pages for the specific event. An event page tells the potential attendee what they can expect when they attend the event. Will there be food? Performances? Keynote Speakers? What kind of event is it? Do you need yo rsvp? Is it free? There are so many factors to events that should be stated in and event page. In conclusion, the main tips to promoting an event is to start advertising for it early, promote on several social media channels, make eye catching flyers, and be sure to inform attendees about the event by making event pages.