Take Care of Yourself

Although it may be difficult to handle multiple things at once, it is important to not stress out too much. Managing multiple events and being accountable and responsible for several things can be demanding of one person but you have to remember to take care of yourself. It is no help to yourself or your client if you are always on edge and aggravated and tired because you are too stressed. You don’t have to take on too many projects if you feel like you are incapable of handling too many due to time restraints or personal problems. You should also know that it is okay to ask for help. You should be wary of not biting off more than you can chew. However, if you do end up being over stressed, there are many ways you can relieve stress. You can take a nap and recharge your body to be ready for the upcoming days. You can meet with an old friend to get your mind off of your problems. You can watch a movie and relax for a few hours to release tensions. You can read a book to calm down. And most importantly, you can take deep breaths. If you are stressed in the moment and are hyperventilating, you can take deep breaths and clam down your heart. One breathing exercise you can do involves laying down and taking deep breaths. Sit or lay down in a comfortable position, and then place one hand on your belly and one hand on your chest. Take a deep breath, inhaling from your nose, and exhaling through your mouth in a pursed shape. Repeat this breathing exercise anywhere from 3 to 10 times more, and you should be feeling some type of stress relief. Another factor that can lead to your stress is poor eating and exercise habits. As an event planner, you can have a busy schedule where you don’t have time to do anything and you resort to eating fast food all the time. I recommend something called meal prepping, To meal prep, you need to find a night where you would be available to cook. Instead of having to cook every day, you would cook several meals in one night then prep them so you can eat your pre-cooked meals throughout the week. This can help you eat healthier and save money from not eating at fast food restaurants. For exercise, you should take walks. Walking can help take your mind off of things and can overall help you clear your mind. Taking frequent walks and meal prepping can be a tremendous help to an event planner. In conclusion, please don’t stress too much. Just take care of yourself.